Katelyn Simpson – Moving Forward in 2015

10882218_397358763762276_1575870014223642277_nGlancing back on 2014 it’s easy for me to see that it really was an eventful and very important twelve months, which have of course flown by. It was a long year beginning with the big move to Sydney in the early months of 2014. Knowing only a small amount of people I was very lucky to have the Sydney Running Academy coached by Ken Green suggested to myself to assist me in pursuing my athletic goals. Taking up this suggestion turned out to be a great decision to better my future training and competition results.

Having been injury prone in the past it was a year filled with success and a few minor yet frustrating setbacks. Though with my new coach Ken and the support of Asics and Endura I did manage to get through the season and finish it off with a much needed personal best in my preferred event, 1500m. I intended to have an even better start to 2015 to help ensure another successful 12 months of training and competing. So I felt that a solid two-week block of altitude training at Falls Creek would give me the best chance to achieve this goal.

I didn’t really increase my mileage by too much over the two weeks at Falls Creek though I did manage to make the most of each session and long runs just by being around like-minded people the whole time. Although at times it may get a little quiet up on the mountain, it really is so refreshing to be able to remove the everyday stressors and focus solely on training, recovery and how my body is feeling. It was a successful trip only losing a few km’s due to a bit of soreness, which is to be expected. I’m now back home, ready to put in some more hard work in preparation for the season ahead.

IMG_1438Falls Creek Week 2:

Mon- 50 min (11.5km)

Tues-Mona Fartlek (5.5km)

Pm- 6.5km

Wed- 60 min (12.7km)

Thurs- 6 x 400m (200m float recovery)

Fri- rest day

Sat- hills session – 2x (5x300m hill with jog back recovery)

Sun- 80 min (18km)

Approximately 90km