Chris Truscott – The Streak Continues
For the past few years I have been thinking about, planning and aspiring towards qualifying for and competing in the 100km World championships. These are usually held every year in different cities around the world and until last year was something I had only in the back of my mind.
So it has been extremely frustrating and disappointing to see that not only three successive venues selected to host the 2013 championships fall over, with the year completely cancelled. But now the seemingly solid Latvian venue for Aug 31st this year has also succumbed to organising pressures and pulled out. Four in a row – not exactly a professional setup it would appear!
So my 2014 objectives have been shifted away from the 100km and back down the scale to incorporate the shorter events – 10km, half and marathon. I will also look at the ANSW winter series as I approach my next major birthday milestone (you can guess which one).
My training these last two weeks has gone quite well, with both weeks coming in at just over 100km, including 2 speed sessions and a long run each.
Mon 3rd: easy 10km
Tue 4th: 5.5km tempo with Gret’s rejoovfitness group in 3:25’s – total 10km
Wed 5th: 2 x 10km easy runs for 20km total
Thur 6th: client run 10km (no speed)
Fri 7th: AM: 8km PM: 8km
Sat 8th: Park Run 5km TT at Curl Curl. 2nd behind Tom Highnam in 16:35. Total 10km
Sun 9th: 28km in 2hrs 8mins feeling quite sore.
Total 104km
Mon 10th: 18km over two client runs
Tue 11th: 45min progressive Tempo with the city HuRT squad 12.5km
Wed 12th: 11km easy run – legs smashed from Tuesday
Thur 13th: 14km easy run – legs still sore
Fri 14th: slow 7km
Sat 15th: 3x2km reps with Sean William’s squad. 6:18/6:23/6:25 off 9min cycles.
Sun 16th: 27km in 2hrs. Legs, feet and toes a little tender.
So as I sit here with my feet in an ice bucket, I feel I am on track with my fitness progression. The strength may take several more weeks but I’m in no rush. My 2014 running streak continues.