Chris Truscott – The Slow Road Back

1451433_10202320035188967_1256584142_nSince my first update on my return to running post toe surgery, I have continued to run every day whilst ensuring some days were a lot easier than others. My left toe continues to be a little tender but the right one is pretty good.

My last two weeks mostly involved jogging for 30-60mins day. As follows:

Mon 6th: AM: 8km (client run) PM: 11km (client run), both runs between 5-6min p/km

Tue 7th: easy 30min jog – 7km

Wed 8th: 13km (client run), 5-6min p/km

Thur 9th: 40km ride incl 2 x 2 laps (11mins), PM: 8km @4min pace

Fri 10th: 12km in 4:40’s

Sat 11th: 40km ride, PM: 7km easy

Sun: 12th: 13km in 1hr

79kms total


Mon 13th: easy 8km in 4:45’s

Tue 14th: easy 7km (in hot Wagga Wagga)

Wed 15th: 10km in 42mins (even hotter Wagga Wagga)

Thur 16th: easy 8km in 5min kms

Fri 17th: First fast effort – one lap of the Centennial park white fence (3.55km) in 12:26. The first 2km were more down hill and felt great 3:20/3:20. I was quite pleased I hadn’t lost a lot of speed but then It hit me and I struggled the last 1.55km as my average pace dropped. Good to get that dreaded first session back, done. 8km

Sat 18th: 7km in 4:17’s

Sun 19th: long run 20km in 4:30’s. This felt pretty good until around 15-16km when my toe started hurting a little but I just happened to be 4km from home. Pulled up okay though.

68km total

All in all, a consistent fortnight aimed specifically at continuing to ease back into my running training. This week I have a work conference followed by a long weekend running camp in Sussex Inlet so I am planning on continuing my everyday running streak I seem to have inadvertently started.
